Think about that. Homeless people in and around our business centers, parks and neighborhoods are finding phones and calling to RSVP for the upcoming Hero School at the downtown CARE Complex. It’s so amazing! And it’s what everyone says they want, for the homeless in our city to want to listen, take action and change. Now that our heroes on the street have changed their “want to”, can you help us get the homeless the rest of the way home?
Please review the Sponsor Form for the upcoming Breakthrough Academy and select the level that fits your company and goals.
Whether you choose Strategic Street Interventions, Academy Tuition, Employment Coaching or Identity Restoration, every investment in a Breakthrough Academy delivers multiplied Return On Community, providing rapid and lasting transformation for a fraction of the cost of trying to manage homelessness.
In my five years as a donor and volunteer – and now as Executive Director of Community Initiatives – I am still in awe of how people suffering from exposure, tragedy and downward spirals can become lucid, respectful and engaged learners and earners after just a few hours at a Hero School.
If your company would also like a team building opportunity, whether prepping resources before or delivering resources in real-time at the Academy, let us know that, too.
You are welcome to share this opportunity with fellow business leaders and those colleagues who share our philosophy. I know we are not alone in our desire and mission to see the growing culture of homelessness in our community reversed and extinguished.
During the first quarter of this year we have already seen a large level of need in our community to help the homeless. Our first hero school events have already helped many within our community, and we want to help more. Consider sponsoring and bringing someone in need to our next events. Learn More About Our Academy
Thank you for heroic support of this mission.
Looking forward to working with you again to save the day!