Make Your School a Hero School®.
“Tiger Todd has been instrumental in sending the message that education is important to our students. His enthusiasm and quick sense of humor have always kept our students engaged…His motivational message is always right on target, no matter the audience…”‘ -Dr. Walt Rulfes, Superintendent, Clark County School District
The Hero School Academic Engagement Model quickly identifies and supplies what’s missing in Public Education, freeing educators to do what they do best.
24 years of active research with unparalleled results indicates it’s not the kids. And it’s not the teachers. And it’s not the parents. The root of the problem in modern education is that the last generation of kids have been autonomized by handheld technology, social media apps and multiplayer video games. With students’ outer social selves having developed faster than their inner character selves, many remain disconnected from a teacher-centered education system based on scaffolded knowledge-building.
Today’s generation of kids simply don’t know why they’re there.
Hero School was designed expressly to address what conventional schools cannot do, would take too long to do or shouldn’t have to do: real-time “selves” alignment. First things must be first if we ever expect to catch-up our kids from learning loss, let alone to restore their respect for parents, for learning, and most of all, for educators.
With few exceptions, today’s adolescent is a combination of complex inner fractions. With endless distractions competing for their attention, more fractions are created inside each young person instead of the essential elements for growth and graduation of competent, productive, responsible and motivated – and complete – young adults.
While this generation of youth possesses more potential than any generation before, jumping from 5-second video to 5-second video ensures they’ll remain incomplete half-adults – and farther and farther from being a focused, whole, individuated person – in spite of the best efforts of their heroic teachers.
Unless and until these inner fraction are ignited, challenged and accelerated to grow, and at the same rate or greater rate as our youth are growing socially and chronologically, even the best programs, curricula and strategies will bounce right off or miss their target completely. What we’ll will be left with are even more adolescents who believe they deserve adult lifestyles, respect and responsibilities without the resiliency, responsibility and development to thrive.
Our society doesn’t need more adults who are stuck in a mindset they should have outgrown in elementary school.
As the phrase goes, “We don’t know what they don’t know.” And this generation can’t know what they must unless essential principles are delivered to them in the wild – in the midst of a large social group or peers – where non-verbal and authentically-human responses can be “evoked” en masse, thus altering the beliefs they’ve picked up from social media in real-time.
Think of each Hero School®-cerified Academic Engagement Experience as a “Human and Hero Development” awareness assembly that inspires an entire gym-full of teens to seek out the only beings who can “complete” them: their teachers, coaches and change agents.
Hero School®-certified assemblies bridge this essential learning gap in about an hour, a gap that could extend for years without it.
When combined with student-centered educators and human-centered outcomes, Hero School Academic Engagement Experiences have been shown to ignite academic engagement and motivate lifelong learning – in hours instead of years. Even among the worst performers and behavioral students, increases in attendance and standardized test results – often more than 30% – occur in a matter of days and weeks, against historical decreases of up to 22% each year without a Hero School session. That’s fast. And it’s uniquely Hero School.
Our clients call it Real. Life. Change. At The Speed of Movies.™
“In this oh-so-modern life, we have deep-seated desire to quantify the world around us so that we can understand it and control it. But the world isn’t behaving.” -Roger Martin, Harvard Business Review 1/11/10
How would you like to re-write the Education Equation for your students?
“Man is born to live, not to prepare to live.” -Boris Pasternak (1880-1960)
Q. How did you find out what was missing in the education of American youth?
A. We began by asking one overlooked, yet essential question:
What do today’s young people need to hear to become who they need to be?”
Students today don’t need any more adults telling them “how it is,” particularly from the perspective of “how it was.” They need inspiring role models showing kids “why” learning is the foundation to a life of success. Just like you and I did.
Hero School Academic Engagement Experiences quickly instill and reinforce for today’s youth the need to learn from teachers, coaches and experts – authentic leaders – to become earning, learning and contributing adults.
These experiences further expose how learning only from social media, popular music and each other will keep them right where they’re at mentally, emotionally and economically – for life.
Bringing Hero School experiences to your city, district or school is like placing a pre-constructed bridge over the Learning Abyss, one that fits perfectly between behaviorally-distracted academically-struggling young people and the heroic teachers with the talent and experience to teach them. Once in place, teens whose lives now feel relevant and validated are ready and willing to be inspired to learn vertically instead of horizontally – from their teachers – to embrace life’s lessons, and to act-on their strategies with the tools that will help them find their path while integrating their inner and outer lives.
Hero School® is that unique communication vehicle that quickly, seamlessly, and painlessly connects the inner needs and paths of today’s young people with the essential lessons taught by today’s educators, employers, experts and movies.
The Hero School® Model further optimizes the relationships between students and the unique role educators, employers and experts play in their lives and within the Education Equation, within their community and even within the “Hero Movie” that will become their future life.
Heroes Inc. delivers collaborative Hero School® interventions, programs and consulting services that rapidly motivate continual learning and character development within and among students, while simultaneously motivating respect for and empowerment among educators and administrators.
Data Driven? The Research would indicate that the more data we put in charge of people, the worse our people turn out.
“Indulge your passion for science, says [Nature], but let your science be human, and such as may have a direct reference to action and society…Be a philosopher; but amidst all your philosophy, be still a man.”
David Hume, Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, 1748
Hero School is a “Human Lead” and “Data Supported” Model. Let’s face facts. As we gained more scientific research on human education and human behavior than at any time in history, student engagement, retention, and graduation rates began dropping faster than at any time in history.
“So let me see if I understand correctly: since relying more on “data” in public education, our public education system has become worse still?”
That is what the “data” would suggest.
Perhaps the problem nor the solution is more “Data.”
Maybe what’s missing is something more fully human.

“Truth is what works.” – William James
Empower Teachers and Students, not Research and Data.
We’re supposed to be raising kids, not just scores.
Hero School® human-centered research indicates it’s not the data, but rather, serving the data that has derailed so many school districts from the mission of raising academically-engaged, self-reliant and socially-personally young adults from today’s children. This learned behavior has been increasing since first discovered in our first school over 15 years ago.
We are, after all, humans – not things.
Who taught us to put data first, to replace human leadership with that of an inanimate object? Hero School believes that scientific research and technological advances should serve humanity – and teachers – not the other way around.
Hero School® “Circle of Life” presentations and workshops quickly re-align the “subject” and the “predicate” of the Human Education sentence by helping students, teachers and parents:
- Discover and Ignite the hidden treasures lying dormant inside them
- Embrace and Integrate the many disparate parts of their “selves,” circumstances and environment
- Declare a Destination and accelerate their inner and outer journeys so they become who they want to be, need to be and must be
For more information call 702 515-4033 or fill out the form below for more information.