Using the Math of Movies to ignite lasting behavioral change. Hero School empowers organizations to …
“Tiger Todd has been instrumental in sending the message that education is important to our students. His enthusiasm and quick sense of humor have always kept our students engaged…His motivational message is always right on target, no matter the audience…”‘ – Dr. Walt Rulfes, Superintendent, Clark County School District
You probably don’t remember me from the St. Vincent shelter in Las Vegas back in 2009. I moved to Seattle with only $60 to my name. I am no longer homeless. I got a job at the Home Depot, I have my own one bedroom apartment, I have a 401k again, I got my teeth fixed (now I have a full set again), I have a checking account and two saving accounts. I may not be rich but life is good. Thank you – your advice it didn’t fall on empty ears.”
– Bill K., Seattle, WA
This note is way overdue. I want to thank you for what you do and how you inspire others to look outside of their world and into the world of the Super Hero within themselves. I had hoped by sending Jonathan he might feel some inspiration to take action – and he has! We have had some very authentic conversations and I feel like he is on the road to becoming the amazing person I’ve always known was there. P— and I are excited to see where he goes next. Thank you again. I feel like I have my kid back:)” – Alicia P., Executive
After going to two job fairs and not getting anything since the start of the new year, I did (what you taught). I got to sit down and interview with the President of the company, meet the General Manager – and I was in. 18 of the 400 that applied were picked. At this moment, I am cross training after just one day, to work anywhere in the company. All you get points for this one. Made sure to pass along the information about Hero School and how I heard about the positions. I am grateful. – Bonnie D., North Las Vegas, NV
That’s right, in 2009 I was homeless and living at Catholic Charities sitting in Hero School. Since then I completed my associates at CSN and now attend UNLV. I have also started my own business. Thanks for being apart of my life and influencing it for the better. The transformation to heroism began with you. Thank you.
– Nick O
“I just got out of your class and I have to say, it was amazing! Damn, I’ve learned today that I’m f—-d up and a bunch of ya reading this are to! Lol, but nothin’ is wrong with that ‘cause it’s not to late to CHANGE! We turn into the things we learn so we need to learn to CHANGE into new things! More positive things! We often view the world the way WE are! There change needed in all of us! #BELIEVE THAT!!!! You gone learn today! And if not today then tomorrow! BUT YOU WILL LEARN!!!!!!”
– Brandon G., Los Angeles, CA
“You probably don’t remember me from the St. Vincent shelter in Las Vegas back in 2009. I moved to Seattle with only $60 to my name. I am no longer homeless. I got a job at the Home Depot, I have my own one bedroom apartment, I have a 401k again, I got my teeth fixed (now I have a full set again), I have a checking account and two saving accounts. I may not be rich but life is good. Thank you – your advice it didn’t fall on empty ears.”
– Bill K., Seattle, WA