Homelessness Reversal and Prevention. At the Speed of Movies.™
Cities, agencies, not-for-profit organizations and the people they serve benefit greatly from Hero School® philosophy, technology and curriculum.
LVFC dba Hero School Initiatives became the first 501 (C) 3 not-for-profit licensee of the Hero School® Academic Engagement model and Character Change® curriculum in the U.S. and continues as one of a handful of leading-edge problem-solving charities today, preventing and reversing homelessness in Nevada.
“The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.”
– Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
Hero School Community Initiatives orchestrate the strengths, expertise and resources of non-profit organizations, schools and businesses to deliver uniquely effective initiatives and interventions that rapidly reverse recurring social and education problems for cities, neighborhoods and communities.
ORIGIN STORY: Hero School Initiatives was established by a collaboration of solution-minded leaders concerned by increases in homelessness, chronic unemployment, academic disengagement and dropout rates in Southern Nevada.
Seeing that the donations they were making to existing non-profit organizations were providing helpful services but no lasting change, they founded LVFC to employ a transformational leadership and Character Change® model, one that expressly empowered lasting change with even the most challenged and challenging groups.
By empowering sheltering organizations, schools and communities with this “transformation engine”, they could prevent social problems from repeating, multiplying and even taking root.
It all began on a winter day in 1995 in a “homeless” park in Las Vegas. That’s when Hero School creator Tiger Todd first interrupted the pattern of the 4 Habits of Homelessness with those in line as well as with the non-profit organization he was funding. He quickly orchestrated the first Hero School Initiative, a “Breakthrough Academy”, empowering Character Change® with the first 1854 homeless people. Over the next 3 years, 9200 homeless people changed their direction through this class.
HEROES, UNITE: Today, after having empowered tens of thousands of homeless, displaced, dependent and unemployable residents to change their destinies, plus helping hundreds of non-profit organizations, schools and agencies to break their own barriers and cycles of repeated history, and neutralizing the 4 Habits of Homelessness (Todd., T. 1995) with hundreds of thousands of teenagers in school districts, foster care group homes and myriad agencies, the organization unified its Character Change® model into the Fast 5 Community Initiatives.
With a 92.84% success rate in reversing homelessness, with every random group of adults and youth, hundreds at a time, in hours, for more than two decades, more than 50,000 men, women and youth since 1995 have broken free from the homelessness through Hero School. Imagine how quickly we can end the curse of American homelessness by working together in the diversity of our unique strengths.
EXTRAORDINARY LEADERS: Hero School-certified facilitators hold themselves accountable to a solution-minded ideal. This expectation consistently results in a 93% success rate in engagement, direction-change and self-reliance – after just a single day intervention – with even the most challenging populations.
The Hero School® Model leverages Social Learning, Authentic Experts and Strategic Exercises to re-engage children, teens and adults, all in real-time.
Hero School is a common-sense educational intervention Model based on Human Change Theory (Todd 1995):
- Human Change Theory surmises that all human state or character change includes
- An Engaged Human Student
- An Educational Curriculum and Process
- A Master or Expert of the Educational Curriculum and Process
- Exercises to be Practiced
- Consistent action for an extended period of time to completion
Hero School de-homelessing leverages the power of an Authentic Leader with a unique process that empowers each student to confront and challenge his or her own ineffective tendencies. The class then accelerates non-verbal group learning, engagement, realignment of values with core beliefs, human ignition, desire for change, faith restoration, acceptance of need for Character Change, redefining conflict as catalyst, inspiration, self-actualization, strength discovery, corporate respect, vertical learning, protection strategies, temptation replacement, selves reconciliation, lifelong learning, self-leadership, life management, goal completion and heroic action.
Watch these Homeless Intervention Videos and experience the change and improvement. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0uNgJ2wnCw
If you are in a shelter looking to enter the next Hero School, please call 702-795-7000 or fill out the following form