“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” – Declaration of Independence
- REcap
- PREcap
- WEcap
- Stories of independence have been rolling in daily since the conclusion of the last Hero School in Las Vegas at the end of May. Thank you so much for being a hero and partner in this community initiative.
- Before the REcap, with its amazing photos (and results) from the May “Breakthrough Academy”, did you know there’s another Hero School beginning one week from today, Saturday, July 13th, 2019?
- Neither did we.
- Well I did… but it was supposed to be just a “Mini Academy” with a Speedy ID Day co-sponsored by Aristocrat Gaming. The full Academy was scheduled for Aug. 17. (continued below)
- The real news is there are already more RSVPs for the “mini” academy than we had for the full academy in May!!
- So with just a week to go, we could use some reinforcements to ensure we maximize this breakthrough experience.
- Breakfast and lunch sponsors, as well as protein drinks, bus passes, bikes and backpacks are still needed, and help with the daily outreach and capacity expenses are always welcome.
- Please take a look at the attached July Academy Sponsor Form or use the secure web portal HERE if you can help us do more in July.
- Many of the RSVPs are ”referrals”… from formerly homeless peeps who turned their lives around since the last three Hero Schools… and now want to help others do so, too.
- Just yesterday, while in the middle of one of another two-dozen homeless street interventions, a man walked up to share that he was homeless until he entered a Hero School at the City Impact Center two years previously.
- So if you love seizing the day – and the opportunity to help a large number of struggling youth, adults and families break free from homelessness – now is that day. Thank you!
- And finally, without further ado, the REcap. -Elena
- THE MAY ACADEMY TEAM: Members include Sander Smiles, Elena Abolentseva, Alicia Mejia, LaQuan Phillips, Carolyn Allen, Tristan Warsito, Felice Bickmore, Missy Young, Tiger Todd & Nate Young
- Gratitude to our host for the May 2019 Breakthrough Academy was the CARE Complex, located at Ground Zero for Las Vegas’ highest concentration of homelessness in the valley.
- Working together with this incredible organization, we are able to multiply the number of homeless who become engaged, educated and equipped learners, earners and community contributors.
- Breakthrough Academies further create “Homelessness Neutralizers” who are empowered to neutralize the 4 Habits of Homelessness (Todd, T., 1995) and the culture of homelessness so prevalent in America today.
- “First, break free; then break through.”-Talismanist Giebra
- BREAKTHROUGH ACADEMY: Thanks to partners like you, more than 750 homeless and hopeless individuals were engaged in May through interventions on street corners, in tunnels and in shopping centers. An additional 460 families received Nutrition & Education Interventions at weekly apartments as part of the Homelessness Prevention Initiative.
- These interventions set the stage for the full Hero School Breakthrough Academy that began Saturday, May 18th, 2019.
- HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION: How we are raised plays a large role in what kind of adults we will become. Our intervention recipe includes vertical learning, healthy choices, entrepreneurship and gratitude.
- Hero School Nutrition and Education interventions are delivered four days per week in low-income apartments in the Las Vegas valley. To see the results of adults getting hired and kids helping “shop” for groceries – and wanting food other than McDonalds – are daily outcomes that will return immeasurable results in the future.
- STRATEGIC STREET INTERVENTIONS: Beginning April 15th and continuing through May 17th, Hero School supporters and trained street teams reached over 750 homeless folks in all corners of the Las Vegas valley with academy invitations, strategies, resources and hope.
- It’s amazing each time we see attendees arrive the morning of an Academy. We are very aware that they slept on the ground, in the cold and damp, the night before, usually with one eye open. Yet within minutes, they engage. And they change.
- EXPERTS Q&As: Experts Q&A panels included Sander Smiles, Magdalena Groover, Dee Sull Esq, Robert Fleming Esq, Ken Rasor and Lisa Lynn.
- “We don’t get what we want – we get what we have to have. We all get what we tolerate, in ourselves and in other people. But when you’re no longer willing to tolerate something, that’s when your life changes.” -Tony Robbins
- “He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.” ― Saint Francis of Assisi
- “One of the most important things you can do on this earth is to let people know they are not alone.” ― Shannon L. Alder
- Life on the street is no life for a human being. Thank you to last month’s donors for equipping us to help these and many more hands find purpose and relief.
- Thank you also for your partnership in Hero School non-profit initiatives, where we combine cutting-edge engagement and educational technologies with extraordinary heroes and strategically-delivered resources. Together we are not only preventing and reversing homelessness and repeated history, we are graduating ignited change agents who are themselves eradicating the culture of homelessness in areas where even angels fear to tread. SUPPORT