After catching up with fellow entrepreneurs over the past week, my paraphrase from a line in The Road Less Traveled – an insight used in nearly every Hero School seminar – became even more poignant:
“Everybody is going through something.”
With each class, I give my all to inspire attendees to “go through” the Valley of the Shadow of Death. You definitely don’t camp-out there, or start a family there, or build a church there.
But I became recentered on this truth this week while hearing the stories of struggle, attacks and loss. I even joined in the weeping for the loss of a longtime friend and family dog.
And yet I was simultaneously awed by the unflinching consistency in these people’s daily and professional lives, even though their hearts were bruised, broken, even shredded.
“Everybody” is going through something.
Your most courageous friends won’t tell you what they’re going through – at least until they’re nearly out of the Valley – because they know you are facing your own trials and tribulations. You, me, everyone has their own cross to bear.
Everybody is going through “something”.
When someone is all-business or doesn’t call for awhile, maybe it’s because they’re facing a giant, suffering an injustice, or just trying to keep from losing their business, family or future.
This might not be the best time to require something of them. It might, on the other hand, be a great time to bring some love, hope and resources into their lives.
Can you shop from them, connect them with clients, take their kids for an outing, help them complete a nagging project or hold their hand through the valley?
Who knows, maybe the action you take, the prayer you pray, the compassion you show – and any other seeds you sow into their lives – might just return to you the very harvest you’ve needed in order to bring you through your own Valley and into your Promised Land.
Because everybody is going through something.
#NewYear #GoThrough #TheRoadLessTraveled