In the spirit of our annual Bollywood Birthday Bash, it’s the Kung Fu Hustle Birthday Bash!
Join Nevada notables and Birthday Bashers for an afternoon of fun, connecting and reconnecting – while enjoying gourmet food, heroic friendships, asian movie fashions and karaoke – to benefit HERO SCHOOL Community Initiatives.
PARTY 12:00pm to 1:30pm ~ Feast, Celebrate and Make Memories
MORE PARTY 1:30pm to 3:30pm ~ Cake, Karoke and Dancing
LOCATION ~ Taste of Asia ~ 9090 Alta Dr., Las Vegas NV 89144 (Inside Suncoast)
Special Entertainment and Guests
Immerse yourself in the magic of Asian culture – and Stephen Chow’s Kung Fu Hustle movie masterpiece – while celebrating birthdays and extraordinary individuals from around the world.
Mark your calendars and take advantage of EARLY BIRD and ADVANCE PURCHASE tickets before they’re gone.
The Kung Fu Hustle BIRTHDAY BASH TICKET includes the Gourmet Feast, Entertainment and Photo Experiences*
*Beer and Wine available from Cash Bar ~ additional Charitable Donations accepted at the Bash
Together we’ll grow community while making an impact on those struggling in our city.
100% of proceeds go directly to cutting-edge homelessness prevention, reversal and recovery interventions in the Las Vegas community.
For 28 years, the Hero School charity has used the math of hero movies to quickly prevent and reverse homelessness in Southern Nevada.
For 24 years, restauranteur Karrie Hung has delivered gourmet Chinese cuisine from her restaurant at the Venetian Resort – and now again at Taste of Asia in the Gold Coast.
And 20 years ago, Stephen Chow created one of the most brilliant, inspiring – and just plain FUN – hero movies of all time: Kung Fu Hustle.
The Kung Fu Hustle Birthday Bash combines the best of three worlds to bring real life heroes together to celebrate culture, heroism and one another and benefit Hero School Community Initiatives in our community.
After the gourmet feast, birthday cake and new and notable connections, you’ll join local friends and celebs for dancing and international karaoke. Dressing up in Kung Fu Hustle characters and Asian fashions is encouraged!
We’ll groove to the beats of disco delights, indulge in delicious Asian cuisine, and witness captivating performances by talented artists and local leaders. Whether you’re a movie fan, Kung Fu master or disco enthusiast, you’ll love celebrating life and friends with dancing, photos and convos at this unforgettable event.
Solving homelessness is an intricate challenge and breaking vicious cycles for struggling people requires more than handouts.
Celebrating 28 years, Hero School Community Initiatives remains the non-profit leader in homelessness reversal and prevention, combining extraordinary entrepreneurs and professionals with cutting-edge education, strategic resources and collaborative initiatives that quickly change mindsets, behavior and character, freeing people from homelessness, dependency and repeated history.
The organization works tirelessly to build sustainable people for sustainable neighborhoods, schools and businesses.
Mission: Hero School delivers initiatives that enlighten and change mindsets, ignite lifelong learning and intrapreneurship, and empower youth and adults to become the next heroes for their families, companies and communities.
LVFC dba Hero School Initiatives ~ ~ 88-0388656 ~ (702) 795-7000 ~ 28 Years of Real. Life. Change. At The Speed of Movies™