In every movie, the would-be hero must overcome obstacles, adversity, heartbreak – and their own past – on the way to accomplishing an impossible goal.
Now imagine this would-be hero has been struggling in cycles of homelessness and dependency, without income, mentors or connections, let alone without a home, transportation or even identification – or a solid identity – for years…
The greatest enemy of the best is the good. -Stephen R. Covey
Of the many “good ideas” that have left more people at risk or in cycles of homelessness than ever before, where do we even start?
At a Breakthrough Academy™.
For more than 25 years, Breakthrough Academies uses the proven Hero School® model and methodology to ignite rapid and lasting change with the homeless, houseless and hopeless…At The Speed Of Movies.
We believe there’s more to every human’s life than what they’ve been showing.
Imagine a human first educational experience that ignites a desire for learning, earning and contributing for those who’ve slipped through the cracks, been constantly marginalized, continue repeating history or have given up trying.
Do you know someone who needs a Breakthrough Academy?
Sponsors help Breakthrough Academies remain 100% FREE for Homeless and Houseless Adults and Youth (16+)
Tuition Sponsors help more struggling adults and youth break through.
Adopt a Student and be an InstantHero
Do you know someone Homeless, Houseless, Hopeless?
Here’s how to know if someone you knows needs a Breakthrough Academy?
DOWNLOAD FLYER HERE Hero School® Academy FLIER 2-26-22 DBL
Join the revolutionary school, actually making a difference in just a few short hours. Hero School offers breakthrough academy to those in need through sponsorships.
This Every unique Hero School Breakthrough Academy delivers a strategic series of interactive sessions and resources:
For Attendees to RSVP send Form below or call (702) 795-7000
*Speedy ID recovery service is free for first 24 homeless RSVPs/attendees
*Homeless attend FREE with Tuition Scholarship and RSVP
Employed Nevadans, Non-Profit and Agency Staff $297
~Adults and Teens 16-years-and-older ONLY – no children or pets, please
CARE Complex – 200 Foremaster Lane, Main Building
SATURDAY, February 26th: CARE Complex
9:15am – 9:55am : Refreshments in Courtyard, Sign-in and Seating
10:00am – 12:00p : Hero School® MOVIE FORMULA Experience with author Tiger Todd and LaQuan Phillips
12:00pm – 12:45pm : Lunch provided
12:45pm – 3:00pm : Money, Career, Entrepreneur and Relationship Strategies w/LaQuan Phillips, Mark Chamberlain and Tiger Todd
3:00pm – 4:00pm : Question and Answer Session, Fresh Clothes, Raffle Prizes, Scholarships*, Further Education, Career Connections & Bus Pass
MONDAY, Feb. 28th: CARE Complex – 200 Foremaster Lane
1:00pm – 3:00pm : Experts Q&A, Ramp-Up to Meaningful Employment with Top Business Owners (includes snacks and bus pass)
TUESDAY, March 1st: CARE Complex – 200 Foremaster Lane
1:00pm – 3:00pm : Experts Q&A, Income & Legal Answers plus Bonus Resources (includes snack and bus pass)
WEDNESDAY, March 2nd: CARE Complex – 200 Foremaster Lane
1:00pm – 3:00pm : SPEEDY ID Day/Creating a Winning Resume Workshop
THURSDAY, March 3rd: CARE Complex – 200 Foremaster Lane
1:00pm – 3:00pm Next Steps for Advancement
RSVP to (702) 795-7000 or send the form on this page.
To Apply for a Scholarship to Hero School, please fill out the form with a short description about your life today and how you'd like it to be in the future.
©2022 Hero School non-profit initiatives.
Hero School® and Character Change® are Registered Trademarks of Hero School Inc.©1998-2022 All Rights Reserved